
Thinking about AI is hard!

Have you got an AI project in mind? Not sure if it's possible, feasible or affordable?

Cuddly AI is launching Sydney's smartest AI studio in April 2023.

Add your name to our launch waitlist so we can help you out.

As we get underway, we are working our way down the waitlist, picking out promising projects. When we get to yours, we'll contact you for a free consulting session to help you figure out the right way forward.

Let us help you think about your AI idea!

Join the waitlist and get help

Who are we?

Headshots of 4 members of Cuddly AI

Cuddly is a bunch of very experienced software development nerds who have spent the last year deep in learning about the current, most effective approaches to AI – LLMs, diffusion models, Convolutional Neural Networks, Evolutionary Algorithms.

We've got academic training, but unlike a lot of people working in Machine Learning and Data Science, we have been working commercially for over a decade. We understand commercial projects and product development. And we love working with interesting people to make cool things.